Help Desk & FAQ
For Residents of Properties Managed by Marston Beacon Hill
We are here to help make your living experience enjoyable and problem-free. If you need more information than you can find here, please feel free to email us anytime or call our office during the week at (617) 212-3335.
To submit maintenance requests, ask questions, request documents, or to receive a response from a property manager regarding any other issue, refer to the Online Help section below.
Online Help
For the ease and convenience of our clients, Marston Beacon Hill maintains an online help desk. Residents may submit an issue, and once registered, may track requests in progress.
Click here to:
Submit an issue. If your request involves multiple issues, please submit each one as a separate request.
Track requests in progress. (For registered users. Click to register.)
Marston Beacon Hill will respond to your request as soon as possible to let you know that we have received your request.
We will attend to any emergency repair requests (no heat, plumbing leaks) immediately.
We will attend to urgent requests that cause serious inconvenience (clogged sink, appliance failure) the same day or next business day.
Routine maintenance is performed on a designated day each week.
Some requests may require more time if substantial work is needed. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you live in an apartment building? See our guide FAQ for Renters.
Do you live in a condominium building? If you are an owner in a
condominium building that is managed by Marston Beacon Hill, see our
guide, FAQ for Condominium Owners.
Are you a renter in a condominium unit? In this case, you will contact
the owner of the unit directly, unless Marston Beacon Hill manages your
unit for the owner. If so, see our guide FAQ for Renters. |